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Learn The Folk Music From The Masters

Sound of Folk is training School that enhance the knowledge of Folk and Classical Music (Instrumental and Vocal) along with folk dances

10 Years Experience

Sound of Folk

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Grade Programs

Sound of Folk is a high quality Musical , recreational dance training center that creates a challenging and enjoyable learning environment for all.

Folk Music

Sound of Folk had played an important role in introducing new generations to the Vocal Music,dances of giddha and bhangra...

Folk Instruments

During the past century, Punjabi folk musicians used 87 instruments, 55 of which are still used today.....

Folk Dance

“Bhangra” is a lively form of music and dance that originated in the Punjab region in Southeast Asia....

Why Choose Us

We Give You The Best Facilities to Learning

Free Equipment

High Tech

Music Studio

Expert Teacher

Our Class

Our Music Class

Qualified, experienced instruction in all dance & fitness disciplines Heritage Dance Academy teaches instructional dance and fitness classes to children, teens, and adults. Academy offers the following dance classes on the weekly schedule:


Resembles much of the construction of a drum. It is a two-sided drum ..



The Dhad has the hourglass shape of the damroo and but is slightly larger....



The chimta are similar to tongs and consist of 122 cm long iron strip .



This a stick with a squirrel (galad) on top. Attached to the head of the squirrel is a cord, which jerks its head up.



The algoza “consists of two joined beak flutes, one for melody,

DJ & Composing


The dholki is a smaller, feminine version of the dhol It is.

Join Our Class

Learn The Folk Music,Folk Instruments, Folk Dance From The Core & Become Mastery

sound of Folk is a training school that promotes the concepts, history, and symbolic representation of Folk Music,Dances, and other performing arts through the study of Folk and Classical music (both instrumental and vocal) along with folk dances (including Bhangra, Gidha, Jindua, Sammi, Dhammal, Goomer, and Kalbelia).
Teaching Ability
Student Satisfaction
Our Class

Our Students learn from Experts

Sound of Folk had played an important role in introducing new generations to the Vocal Music, dances of giddha and bhangra, and musical parts of Punjabi folklore.
Music Classes

Sound of Folk: Music Class

Music Classes

Sound of Folk: Music Class

Music Classes

Sound of Folk: Music Class

Music Classes

Sound of Folk: Music Class